stupid tits! - schelly

it rawks! - liz's review of stacie's new book

spice maggot! - stace

i feel like george clooney. - christine

elfstock. clothes for the comtemporary elf. - christine

merry christmas, cherie.. your girlfriend's in my lap! - laura e

i'm a recovering sex addict, and i just fell off the wagon. - anne heche in "Wild Side"

All your personal files were stolen and, well, we don't know who you are anymore! - stace 

Vice-Nasty President! - mel

Oh i have my period ... so i have to go play with myself. - Mel

I'm not roo-bear!
I'm not in Pooh Corner!
I'm not even in the 100 Acre Wood!!! - brenbren

long day. short indigo. - bren

i have a problem with big idiots. - liz

i got to sing onstage with the indigo girls because my eyes are bigger than my crotch. - liz

it's hard being a girl. - christine

don't you think 8 hours of porn is enough research... mother? - mad tv

did you ever seriously think about dying? - scully
yeah, at the ice capades. - mulder

stupid urgent care people. they don't know their skin. - bren

no vulva for ME! - bren/liz

some people are just born tweakers. - christine

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