whip out the cancer kazoo. - south park

"You will soon be honored by someone you respect." - fortune cookie
or, "you will sleep with Amy Ray." - stacie

Go. Do my bidding. - jill

those are my 17 testicles. don't mind me. - jill

yes i agree that they're annoying, but they make me wet. - liz

yeah? well i have rats. beat that! - johanna

that's why i drink Gayorade! - dani

"MTI" - schelly (metropolitan trucker institute)

who'd want a tarot reading from the Vindicator Of The Damned? - jill

i want to officially introduce to you the band. that's them. -ani

ok P, i gotta pee and that's all there is to it. - christine
"Reet!" - P

you don't have to have blond pubic hair to have fun. - christine

2 shakes of a cecil tail. - liz

hello pea brain. and hello cecil.. hahahaha! - liz

answering machine therapy! - dani

who's dorkier, someone who's a dork or someone who's friends with a dork? - taryn

can we have two spice girls? - dani

all the heat went to loooove central. - dani

i can't see you, so i will just CC you.. - bren

praise vulva! - dani

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